Holiday Offers


Our bazaar tour is centered on Aurangabad's oldest markets of Shahganj and Gulmandi with narrow winding streets, heritage ornamental buildings that are between hundred and two hundred years old, and some of the famed gateways of the old walled city.

While sharing their history, our guide helps you explore these markets' unique stores. Such as the 150 year old Unani apothecary that stocks at least two thousand medicines, stored in little wooden cabinets, jars and pouches. If you are lucky, a visiting hakim will diagnose your ailments just by taking your pulse.

And the famous sweet mart where you watch the 'karigars' make fresh imartis and jalebis in intricate shapes. Nosh on the sweets and savory bhajjis as a mid-morning snack.

Around the corner are shops selling a staggering variety of pickles, murabbas, spices and masala mixes without which no local's meal is complete. Aamla, mango, lemon, garlic, chili, karonda… - the list is long and tasting an option for the adventurous. Little packets of local 'kala, goda and tikhat' masala make fun gifts.

From pickles to perfume - Attar Galli is a street of perfumers particularly famous for their rose, hina and shamana attars that cost around $5 for ten grams. Test a drop dabbed with a special wand on the inside of your wrist and let the fragrance transport you to a dreamy place.

The Himroo centre is an opportunity to watch weavers create their unique blend of cotton and silk with ancient floral patterns. Himroo shawls, bed spreads, etc make wonderful souvenirs.

From patterns to fresh flowers, a street of vendors making exotic flower garlands and decorations. And carts piled with colourful heaps of rangoli powder and patterns. Followed by the cattle feed market, the woodworker's street …

Burkhas, bangles and balms, talismans and turbans, parrots and patakas; ……. see the amazing array of products that are intrinsic to local culture and centuries old traditions. Sip 'gold tea' - a unique brew of three kinds of leaves. Guess what is put into a neatly folded edible paan that makes a single piece cost $72 and has its fans export it around the globe. ……

Sunday may be the best day for the tour as it is also the day of the weekly flea market.

The tour lasts between three to four hours.


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